black and white building under cloudy sky

Our Mission

At Expply, we believe that small and medium-sized businesses and entrepreneurs are fundamental to innovation, economic development, and job creation. Through our proven processes and unwavering dedication, we aim to enhance certainty and profitability in the supply chains of our industrial SMB customers. Yes, we do it the "boring" way—one component at a time.

Operational Excellence in Motion

Our Story

It all began with a breakthrough consulting project in the summer of 2012. After earning widespread recognition and acclaim at CES 2012, our client, an Indiana-based IoT startup, was ready to scale but faced the daunting challenge of bridging the gap between prototyping and production.

Since our founding in 2014, we have been empowering SMBs and entrepreneurs to overcome this challenge. Our comprehensive ecosystem, featuring reliable manufacturers and proven processes, ensures a seamless transition from concept to market.


Expply is founded with its root in Illinois, US.


Expply begins to serve US-based customers in automobile, industrial equipment, and irrigation supplies markets.


Expply relocates its HQ to Grand Montréal, Québec.


Expply expands its product line to include display systems.


Expply establishes strategic partnerships for PCB and PCBA manufacturing.